The practice of self-managing, autonomous work teams is a gateway to the future of work. Team self-m...

The practice of self-managing, autonomous work teams is a gateway to the future of work. Team self-m...
One of the main reasons that management hierarchies still dominate the design of the modern workplac...
A formal organizational structure and the organizational hierarchy are not the same thing. Separatin...
Organizations that seek to stay viable for the long term must build and retain their capability for ...
How do you build an agile organization, meaning an adaptable organizational structure based on incre...
Working with draft tools and resources from our Agile Organizing Kit, we have determined a number of...
Agile organizing comprises the models, designs, and practices that enable more adaptive management s...
It’s well known that Holacracy represents an advancement of an earlier organization model for self-m...
With fundamental changes to how we work and organize under way, Organization Development (OD) practi...
One of the key differences between models for agile organizing and classical, hierarchical approache...
Structural links, collaborative management practices and shared objectives are three approaches to e...
In this blog post we discuss and define the terms organizational structure, organizational design, a...
I recently caught up with a group of HR experts whose organizational unit (counting over 60 people) ...
Getting the data analytics organization right is about building a dedicated function into the organi...
A classical restructuring - if done the right way - is and remains a powerful means to tame organiza...
Identifying opportunities for faster, standardized, quality-assuring and cost-efficient operations i...
Many challenges intrapreneurs face are organizational in nature and they require organizational work...
Organizational agility is a top priority for senior leaders to enable continuous adaptation to a cha...
Consider three key dimensions - the WHAT, the HOW and the WHO of workplace transparency - to create ...
High levels of transparency are a hallmark of agile workplaces, as transparency and the availability...