Prepare your organization for the future of work by empowering self-managed teams. The Organize for Self-Management Kit guides you to define a decentralized governance structure.
Unleash the entrepreneurial spirits in your organization
Start the journey towards organizational decentralization
Single Kit
USD 590
30-day money back guarantee
Organize for Self-Management
6-months access (no updates)
1 user
Show me all features
✓ Organize for Self-Management Kit (beta)
x Organizational Structure Kit
x Agile Organizing Kit
x Leadership Development Kit
x Team Kit
+ Exhaustive framework
+ 360 diagnostic tool
+ 9 work tools
+ 1 process & planning guide
+ 3 exemplary workshop agendas
+ Presentation and work templates
+ Embedded library of case examples
✓ 1h expert coaching session (online)
— most popular —
Full Suite
USD 960/year
30-day money back guarantee
All 5 Kits from our Suite
annual access (all updates)
1 user
Show me all features
✓ Team Kit
✓ Organizational Structure Kit
✓ Agile Organizing Kit
✓ Leadership Development Kit
✓ Organize for Self-Management Kit (beta)
+ Exhaustive frameworks
+ Customization and diagnostic tools
+ 40 work tools
+ 5 process & planning guides
+ 15 exemplary workshop agendas
+ Presentation and work templates
+ Embedded library of case examples
✓ 1h expert coaching session (online)
✓ All updates included
Not sure?
The future of work requires more self-management. But radical models do not fit in many contexts
Many managers and HR professionals are convinced that the future of work requires more self-management in organizations, in order to boost empowerment, motivation, and ownership. However, making significant progress in the direction of self-management without committing to radical “all-or-nothing” organizational models requires a concrete working methodology that is responsive to an organization’s specific context, means, and ambitions.
Moving towards self-organization requires thought-through designs with broad stakeholder buy-in
This Kit gives you the research-based working methodology to get self-management right in your organization and to productively engage and commit stakeholders in that journey. You will be able to have meaningful and concrete discussions on how far to decentralize your management functions, as well as guidance, workshop agendas, and how-to approaches to drive the process.
Start experimenting and making decisions about increased decentralization and self-management with confidence, using tools based on analysis and expertise. Become a thought leader without committing to the hype of the latest management fad. Run impactful working sessions with your teams and business partners. Get tailored expert advice in your personal online coaching session. Build and implement an organizational model that fits your context while drawing on best practices.
This Kit is for you
- if you want to support your stakeholders and partners moving toward self-management in a productive and thought-through way
- if you’re looking for a practical, step-wise, and well-founded approach to promote decentralization in key management functions
- if you want alternatives to the hyperbolic promises of radical “all-or-nothing” organizational models
“Our workshop with Management Kits provided crucial insights for our in-house approach to self-organization and helped us to define our design priorities and work plan going forward.”
“Management Kits allowed us to do a deep-dive right from the first session. We were able to define our purpose and goals better and build a solid foundation for our work going forward.”
Working with this Kit, you can facilitate a full project or project sequence on organization design and increasing self-management.
Specific deliverables you can work towards using resources and tools from this Kit include:
- A detailed description of your organization’s key management functions as a basis for defining the respective levels of self-management granted to a specific team or role.
- A project or project work stream plan for your work on self-organization, including defining a series of activities, workshops, and deliverables, as a basis for onboarding stakeholders or team members on the topic.
- Detailed workshop agendas including topics, timing, roles, and resources, leveraging exemplary agendas, including workshop activities and deliverables leveraging the different tools.
- A clear definition of the goals and the scope of your work on self-managing organizations, as well as guidance on leading an organizational conversation with key stakeholders on the topic.
- The basis for a customized facilitator guide, leveraging the Kit’s framework section, the practical experience captured in the “tips and tricks”, and the exemplary meeting agendas and tools.
These deliverables give you the means to design an innovative organization and drive the process of organizational change by engaging key stakeholders.

Benefit from an 1h expert coaching session to discuss any specifics of your case and get personal guidance on how to move forward (included in the subscription).
- Quick Start
- Introduction and Cases
- Framework
- Work Process
- Tools
- Agendas
- Additional Resources
- Quick Start
- Goals, output and process of working with this Kit
- Your expert coaching session
- Introduction and Cases
- Introduction
- Case example 1
- Case example 2
- Framework
- Enabling Key Management Functions in Self-Managing Organizations
- Work Process
- Introduction to Work Process
- Set goals and scope
- Analyze and design
- Test and codify
- Tools
- Introduction to Tools
- Tool - Goals of Self Management - Trigger Questions
- Tool - Management Functions Matrix
- Tool - Common issues and how to deal with them
- Agendas
- Introduction to Agendas
- Agenda - Set Goals and Scope
- Agenda - Analyze and Design
- Agenda - Test and Codify
- Additional Resources
- Management Kits blog posts on self-managing organizations
- Methodology
- Directory and downloads

We have a 30-day money back guarantee!
No questions asked
Frequently asked questions
Who is this Kit for?
This Kit is for decision-makers, team leaders, business partners and advisors who want to prepare their organizations and business partners for the future of work. The Agile Organizing Kit allows you to make sense of innovative forms of organizing based on increased levels of self-management and decentralization, and to drive change in that direction. It gives you the key insights from research and real-life experiences focused on novel approaches to organizing. With practical and actionable tools, it empowers you to set-up, run and succeed in your management innovation work.
How do I work with the Kit?
The Kit empowers you to kick-off your work process on your management challenge right away. It’s frameworks and work processes are responsive to your business challenge and ambition level. It allows you to engage your team and stakeholders in productive working exchanges right from the start. There is a process guide supporting you align your individual work process to your business needs. For each process step, you’ll find pre-designed workshops (incl. templates and agendas) that build on the various tools included in the Kit.
On the Kit platform you have all the materials in one place, accessible at any time. You can download, edit, and print the documents you need for your offline sessions or workshops with your team.
On the Kit platform you have all the materials in one place, accessible at any time. You can download, edit, and print the documents you need for your offline sessions or workshops with your team.
In addition, the subscription includes a free expert coaching session (1 hour, online) to kickstart your work with the Kit.
How can I access the Kit and what does it cost?
This Kit is part of the subscription to our Organizational Effectiveness Suite, which is available on an annual basis.
Beyond this Kit, what other content is included in the Organizational Effectiveness Suite subscription?
Which theories, frameworks or methodologies are used to create Management Kits?
In terms of theoretical and methodological background, there are three pillars that are particularly important to us at Management Kits: For all our Kits, we first make sure that our content is aligned with key insights from management research in the respective field. This often entails a significant amount of translation work to make the Kits user-friendly and actionable in a practical environment. Second, there is practical project work, consulting experience, and user testing that goes into the Kit design. Third, we believe in the relevance of design thinking methodologies for management problem-solving and we integrate approaches in our Kit design work accordingly.
Is the Kit really actionable and hands-on?
That's the whole idea! We want to empower you to start working on your specific challenges right away. We support you throughout your journey, deploying the tools, and running your work sessions. There's even built-in guidance making sure you can move to implementation step-by-step according to your needs.
What is the difficulty level of the Kit?
Our Kits are designed to accommodate users of all experience levels. The Kit structure allows you to access exactly what is most relevant for you, for example only the tools or know-how sections. Even those well-versed in organizational design will find a significant number of the Kit’s resources useful. For users just getting acquainted with the field of work, the Kit provides resources and background to combine learning and capability-building with relevant activities to start your management challenge without unnecessary delay.
Do you update the Kit?
Building an effective organization is never finished. The same applies to our Kits.
Our Kits contain state-of-the-art management knowledge and tools. We continuously update the Kits, extending the library of use cases and user experiences, and adding new or revising existing tools and workshops. Most of these updates stem from user experiences in working with our Kits. Together, we ensure constant development of best practices.
How does the free expert coaching session work?
- We use the time to give you a general walkthrough of the Management Kits resources
- We discuss the general situation you are in, including some of the challenges and transitions the organization you work with is facing, and we subsequently compile a tailored guide to some of the tools and materials that are likely most effective in your situation.
- We focus the discussion on a specific organizational project or leadership development challenge of yours and look at how to best leverage the Kits to address this challenge.
What if I have additional questions applying the Kit to my specific context?
There is a comment section in each part of the Kit. You can use it to ask questions or also share your feedback with us. We will make sure to answer all our users’ questions in due course.
For more specific needs, contact us directly via e-mail at
What if we want to use the Kit for our whole team, wider part of the organization, or we need more support?
We are happy to have a conversation about this and develop a more specific offer for your specific needs, such as team subscriptions, tailored enterprise solutions, and our workshop, consulting and coaching offers.
Please contact us at
Do you offer price discounts for NGOs/public sector organizations?
For NGOs and public sector organizations, please contact us to receive a tailored offer.
What if we want to make broader use of the Kit for the whole firm or need more support?
For multiple licenses, tailored enterprise solutions, and our workshop, consulting, and coaching offers, please contact us at
Is the Kit mobile and tablet friendly?
What if I don't like the Kit?
We have a 30-day money back guarantee! No questions asked.
You can also cancel your subscription at any time in case you do not wish to renew it for another year. You will receive a reminder four weeks before the renewal date in order to avoid any unintended renewals and charges.